Membership in the SWCA is open to directors and staff of writing centers and others interested in writing centers from public and private secondary schools, community colleges, colleges and universities, and to individuals and institutions from beyond the Southeastern region.
SWCA offers four levels of membership:
For emerging writing center professionals. Ideal for undergraduate and graduate students working in writing centers.
Membership includes:
Online subscription to Southern Discourse in the Center (two issues)
Reduced conference registration fee
Eligibility for scholarships and awards
One vote in annual elections
For experienced writing center professionals. Perfect for individuals who are no longer enrolled in a degree program but are actively working in a writing center, such as writing center directors, consultants, or administrators.
Membership includes:
Online subscription to Southern Discourse in the Center (two issues)
Reduced conference registration fee
Eligibility for scholarships and awards
Eligibility to run for and serve on the Executive Board
One vote in annual elections
Optional upgrade to institutional membership (details below)
Optional membership extension (details below)
For writing centers as a whole. Enjoy a suite of benefits, including discounted conference rates, eligibility for awards and leadership roles, and a subscription to Southern Discourse in the Center.
Membership includes:
One professional membership, including one vote in annual election
Online subscription to Southern Discourse in the Center (two issues)
Eligibility for scholarships and awards for anyone from your institution
Eligibility to run for and serve on the Executive Board for anyone from your institution
Conference registration for all attendees from Institution register at the “member” rate. These registrants are not student or professional members. They are welcome to join individually.
Membership certificate
Recognition on website, including link to your web page
Additional promotional items
Optional membership extension (details below)
SWCA is committed to serving and supporting a more diverse membership. To that end, any writing center administrator who identifies as a person of color or who works at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), or Asian American and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AAPISIs) can partner with the SWCA to obtain a 3-year institutional membership at no charge.
To obtain this free membership, use the links on this page to submit your application. Once you submit your application (or if you have any questions before doing so), please contact Chelsea Murdock, SWCA's Archivist at so your application can be approved in a timely manner.
Membership includes:
One professional membership, including one vote in annual election
Online subscription to Southern Discourse in the Center (two issues per year)
Eligibility for scholarships and awards for anyone from your institution
Eligibility to run for and serve on the Executive Board for anyone from your institution
Conference registration for all attendees from Institution register at the “member” rate. These registrants are not student or professional members. They are welcome to join individually.
Membership certificate
Recognition on website, including link to your web page
Additional promotional items
Options for Current Members
Membership Extension
Current members can extend membership by one or three years at any time.
Upgrade Your Professional Membership to Institutional Membership: $70.00
This option allows current Professional Members to upgrade to Institutional Membership
Reduced conference registration fee for all attendees from your institution
Eligibility for scholarships and awards for anyone from your institution
Eligibility to run for and serve on the Executive Board for anyone from your institution
Membership certificate
Recognition on website, including link to your writing center’s web page