SWCA-KY 2022 Director’s Day Out
Theme: “Building and Rebuilding: Reflection and Regeneration”
Date/Time: Friday, October 14th, 10am-2:00pm
Location/Host: In-Person at Berea College’s Center for Teaching and Learning, Hutchins Library, Room L103, Berea, Kentucky, hosted by Dr. Amy McCleese Nichols and Dr. Scott Whiddon.
We invite writing/tutoring center directors/coordinators from across Kentucky to join us for a day of reflection and collaboration. During this session, we will provide some time for not merely reflection (what successes did we experience in the past two years? What practices are we eager to leave behind?) but also for planning for the future (What is new or coming up in our work? What are our plans/concerns now and moving forward?). Snacks and lunch will be provided for registered participants.
How to Register to Attend
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