July 31, 2019
Southeastern Writing Center Association Alabama Symposium
contact email: ejpucker@crimson.ua.edu
The writing center is the embodiment of the collaborative, vibrant experience of written composition. It is a source of renewal and rebirth, often through the hard-won process of revision with the aid of a reliable guide in the form of the tutor. This renewing and remaking of one’s work is the quintessential element of the writing process, and is at the heart of the writing center. How does the writing center at a given institution support this life-giving and sustaining process? How does your writing center embody the spirit of revision and renewal?
This day-long symposium at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa invites the submission of abstracts for presentations on Friday, September 20, 2019. Writing Center directors along with professional, graduate, and undergraduate tutors are encouraged to submit abstracts.
The symposium organizers are especially interested in unique innovations and practical techniques in your writing center and your writing center pedagogy.
You may propose a 15-minute individual talk, a panel presentation with one or two co-presenters (15 minutes per presenter), or to lead a 30-minute interactive workshop. Proposals should include you name, position, institution, proposal title, and formal proposal (250-400 words). Registration is $10 and includes lunch. Please submit your proposal by July 31, 2019.
Please email Emily Jane Pucker with your submission: ejpucker@crimson.ua.edu
Emily Jane Pucker
PhD student, Assistant Writing Center Director
Department of English
University of Alabama
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